Know Loan, Loan More
Every time we hear the word loan, what is that first thing that comes in to your mind? What is does loan really mean?
Like all the other kinds of debts, a loan involves the redistribution of financial assets over time, among the two parties who are the lender ad the borrower. Usually it is the borrower that accepts or borrows an amount of money which is technically called the principal, from the lender and is the one responsible to pay back the same amount of money lend to the lender at an agreed time. The borrowed money is usually paid in return through regular installments, or partial installments; annually, each is installment has the same amount. The interest which is the cost provided to a loan offers an inducement for the lender to indulge in the loan. Each obligation and limitations in legal terms is compulsory by agreement- either written or verbal form- which can put also the borrower under the additional limitation such as loan treaty.
Below are the types of loans with the corresponding meaning:
Secured loan. A type of loan wherein the borrower promises some asset like a car or a house as a guarantee for the loan
Mortgage loan. This is a type of loan which is very common one that is used by most people in buying housing. The money is use to achieve the property in this kind of contract. However, the institution is rendered a security until the mortgage is paid fully. While if the borrower had fail to paid the loan, the right to possess again the house and sell it is in the hand of a bank just to cover the sums owing it.
Recourse note is another kind of loan that is especially use in limited partnership agreements. It is secured of course by a pledge of collateral, typically real property therefore considered as secured loan but for which the borrower is not personally responsible.
Unsecured loans. Unsecured loans are budgetary loans that are not secured over the asset of the borrower. These are may available loans from financial buildings under various marketing packages like credit card debt, personal loans, bank overdrafts, credit facilities and corporate bonds. In these forms, the applicable interest rate depends on the lender and the borrower. However, these may or may not be arrange by the law.
Therefore make sure you:
1.Always take a walk round the shop and look for the best loan fit in your situation. 2.Ensure that you have read all necessary paperwork and details about your loans. 3.Make sure that you can manage easily the monthly payment or you may find yourself sinking in financial trouble.