Category Archives: Auto Loans

Wells Fargo Loan Modification Explained

Being accepted for the Wells Fargo loan modification depends, to a great extent, on your existing budget. You will have to make some adjustments, determining the target payment and setting up clear goals.

The next step, one of the most important ones, is to complete the necessary forms of the loan modification, demonstrating to the bank that you are prepared to accept the new terms and that you have already adjusted your budget in order to meet monthly payments. Completing the loan modification paperwork without any errors will be a point in your favor, increasing your chances of approval.

Keep in mind that you are not the only one applying for a loan modification at Wells Fargo. They probably have to deal with hundreds of applications every day, and may be tired of applications that are not complete or accurate. Don’t decrease your chances of acceptance by submitting a loan modification form that is incomplete; give the lending institution all the documents requested in the first place and you won’t have anything to worry about.

If this is the first time you are considering applying for a loan modification, then it might be in your own interest to do a little bit of research first. You can find an online application guide and discover everything there is to know about Wells Fargo. These guides are extremely useful when it comes to completing the application, calculating the debt owed and even writing the hardship letter, in which you explain the reasons for needing a loan modification.

Wells Fargo has come up with the proposal of loan modification because they want to reduce the number of foreclosures on the market, thus helping delinquent borrowers remain in their homes. There is one loan modification program from Wells Fargo that actually interrupts the foreclosure actions for a period of one month, allowing the borrower to find a solution that works in everyone’s favor. Several types of loans will be excluded from the start, including the ones that are already in bankruptcy and those that were taken on empty properties.

The second type of Wells Fargo loan modification concerns loans with adjustable rates, proposing a period of five years in which the introductory rate is not taken into consideration. There are a number of eligibility criteria that one has to meet as well, presented in detail on the Internet. One example is that loans should have been taken between 2005 and the first half of 2007. Find out more from the World Wide Web and see if you qualify!

Ready Debit Visa Card – Reviewed

The Ready Debit prepaid Visa card is issued through MetaBank and has many benefits. When you sign up for the Ready Debit card with direct deposit you get free online bill pay, free online check writing, access to over 1 million ATMs and no overdraft fees.

The Readydebit card is a prepaid debit card, this means that you must load money onto the card in order to use it. You can do this via direct deposit, Visa ReadyLink and Green Dot MoneyPaks. You can also transfer money directly from your checking or savings account.

You must deposit money on the card in order for you to access the funds. The amount of money which has been transferred to the card minus purchases, fees and other transactions equals the amount available to be used for transactions.

This is a nice benefit of prepaid cards because then you are not spending more than you really want to. Unlike credit card companies which encourage you to borrow money and pay interest and other fees on the borrowed money.

It is only good for the amount which you have loaded. They offer two plans; the Basic and the Select. There is a one-time, $9.95 card issuance fee with both plans.

There will be a monthly service charge of $4.95 with the Basic plan and $8.95 with the Select plan. For a $10 you can request a second card with the Select plan; however, this amenity is not offered with the Basic.

You may also request a replacement card for a $10 fee. PIN transactions will incur a $.95 charge with the Basic, but are free with the Select.

Also, ATM withdrawals in the United States will cost a $2.25 fee while ATM withdrawals outside of the United States will cost a $5 fee. Balance inquiries within the United States will incur a $.50 charge with the Basic, but are free with the Select.

In addition, there are many free services with both plans, such as signature transactions, negative balance fee, direct deposit, online customer service, and automated phone support. You may not transact purchases or otherwise decrease the amount of the card by more than the balance of the card.

Also, the maximum amount you may withdraw from ATM machines each day is $500. A $2,500 per day spending limit is placed on the card.

Electronic statements are available online. Paper statements are available, however, there is a $2 fee/per statement for this service.