Category Archives: Auto Loans
Writing A Sample Letter for Loan Modification Application
Are you looking for a sample letter for loan modification application? So are half of the homeowners in the country. The letter you send in with your loan modification application is just as important as the application itself, if not more so. Here is a great sample letter for loan modification application for you to take example from:
Loan Number:
Phone Number:
Email Address (if applicable):
To Whom It May Concern:
I’ve sent this letter to you in order to explain my reasons behind requesting a loan modification on my mortgage. Before last year, I had never made a late payment on any of my monthly expenses, but after the death of my husband things have been increasingly difficult to handle. I am requesting an interest reduction down to 6.25% from my current 8.80%. I feel it is a fair percentage for you, and it is just within my means.
Before my husband passed away, we had both been making more than enough to afford our mortgage. Once our interest rate rose to 10.24% and we had no difficulty paying it. However, once he passed away I was left with half of the monthly income I had before. I had been pulling together enough to pay the bills and mortgage by pulling from our savings and the small amount of life insurance I received, but I’ve run dry and have no other option than to request a manageable, fixed interest rate from you.
Without a reduction on the interest, I will not be able to afford the monthly payments. I have to choose between a loan modification and a foreclosure. I would far prefer the former, and you probably would as well. 6.25% is the most I will be able to manage, even if I cut all of my expenses out of the picture. Please consider my application seriously and I hope to hear more from you on the matter.
Your Name
Notice this sample goes a little in depth about the circumstances of the homeowner seeking loan modification. What’s more, she also has determined her ideal interest rate based on her current income, showing her lender that she is taking the matter very seriously and wants to work with the lender to stay in her home.
While this sample letter for loan modification application is not perfect, it pleads a good case to the lender and puts it all on the table. Your lender needs to know it’s either modification or foreclosure and there is no way around it. They may lose money on a loan modification, but they lose much more on a foreclosure. Get all of your facts, story, and numbers straight and even you can write a compelling hardship letter.
Are you eligible for Wells Fargo Loan Modification?
The two programs planned under Well Fargo loan modification have different eligibility requirements. The program based on the interruption of the foreclosure process and the proposal of a new payment plan excludes from the start those who are facing bankruptcy. The same goes for foreclosed properties that are only one month away from being sold and for loans that were not taken on residential properties.
The second loan modification plan proposed by Wells Fargo focuses on helping subprime mortgages that have an adjustable mortgage rate. In order to qualify for this plan, the loan should have been taken somewhere between the start of 2005 and 2007. Another eligibility criterion refers to the scheduling period of the loan for the readjustment of the introductory interest rate. Borrowers are also required to prove their income, as well as to add a letter of financial hardship to their application. It is a known fact that a complete application increases ones’ chances of loan modification approval.
Applications are easily rejected if the borrower has no idea how to calculate the debt ratio or if the financial hardship letter is not convincing. Filling in the requested financial statements is mandatory, improper completion being an important reason for rejection of the application. However, once accepted, borrowers can forget all about adjustable rate loans and they can successfully prevent the foreclosure process from happening.
The sooner one starts the loan modification process, the better. There are various sources which list the eligibility criteria and the paperwork that has to be completed. Before submitting the loan modification application, it is important that every aspect has been carefully considered and understood. The bank will decide if one qualifies for the loan modification program, taking into consideration the debt ratio in the first place. This is followed by the completion of the financial statement, borrowers being finally given the chance to escape a loan that was difficult to afford.
If you are tired of payments you cannot afford, then it might be for the best to give Wells Fargo loan modification a chance. Not only will you benefit from lower monthly payments, but also from a whole set of advantages that you will gradually discover. No more adjustable rates for your mortgage, no more foreclosure just waiting to happen. The loan modification program will be exactly the thing you need to regain your financial stability and escape your debt!