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What Goes Behind Your Credit Score?

A credit score is primarily based on credit report information, typically from one of the three major credit bureaus, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. Since lenders or banks lend only against your creditworthiness, it does makes sense for you to know what factors determine your credit score.

What Is A Credit Score?
Based on the snapshots of your credit report, credit score is the number arrived to summarize your credit risk. It ranges from 300 to 850 and helps a lender to determine the risk level. Or we can put it like this, “if I give this person a loan, how likely is it that I will get paid on time?”

There are different methods of calculating credit scores. FICO is one of the most popular credit scores developed by Fair Isaac & Co. The higher is the FICO score the lower is the risk for lender.

What Affects Credit Score?
Your credit reports contains many pieces of information that reveals certain important aspects of your borrowing activities mainly focusing on:

• Late payments
• The amount of time credit has been established
• The amount of credit used versus the amount of credit available
• Length of time at present residence
• Negative credit information such as bankruptcies, charge-offs, collections, etc.

Bad Credit Small Business Loans
Seeking loans with low or bad credit score can drive you up the wall. The mainline lenders may simply reject your loan application while the others from subprime market may charge you extortionate rate of interest on your bad credit small business loan.

In case you are an entrepreneur and need new business loan for growth or expansion, bad credit can put you in pickles. In such a scenario, it’s better to go for cash advance option that is provided irrespective of you credit history. Such cash advance is given against your future credit and debit card sales.

What Is Cash Advance Option?
Cash advance is a small business loan approved against the monthly amount you process through credit card sales. Cash advance lenders do not ask you for your credit rating and can pre-approve your loan within 24 hours. A mutually agreed upon percentage from your daily sales through credit card processing goes to the lender automatically as repayment of the loan.

How To Increase Your Credit Score?
Your credit score cannot be improved in short run but a few steps can help you improving your credit rating over a period of time. Here are a few tips:

• Pay your bills on time. Late payments and collections can have a serious impact on your score.
• Do not apply for credit frequently. Having a large number of inquiries on your credit report can worsen your score.
• Reduce your credit-card balances. If you are “maxed” out on your credit cards, this will affect your credit score negatively.
• If you have limited credit, obtain additional credit. Not having sufficient credit can negatively impact your score.

How your credit rating affects your quality of life

Many people never bother to keep an eye on their credit rating; some never check theirs at all. It’s easy to underestimate the value of a credit rating, but in truth; unless you belong in the high-income club and can afford to buy everything with cash, your credit rating dictates the quality of life you live, the following are some of the known ways:

Bargaining power, borrowing: Have you ever done your shopping in a market place? Notice how several traders were vying for your attention, each trying to convince you that theirs is value for money, best quality etc? Well, in such an instance, you are in a position of power; they have the same product and you have the simple task of choosing between them. If you exercise your power, often you’d be able to either bring the price down or get more goods than originally quoted.

If you look closely, similar patterns are repeated in almost all aspect of life, when it comes to credit (i.e. loans, credit cards, etc), a credit rating is the preferred currency for just how valuable a customer you’re. If you took the time to count, you might find that there are hundreds of credit card providers out there and they all want more customers.

If you have a good credit rating, like buying goods in a market, you’re in a position of power; credit card providers are willing to outbid each other in an effort to get your business. This is expressed via attractive niceties such as 0% balance transfer, 0% interest on purchases, air miles, reward points and many others.

If you have bad credit however, none of these niceties will be available to you, in fact, most lenders will simply stay away from you. Those that lend to you on bad credit cards will typically charge you double the interest a good credit customer pays.

Special deals and promotions: Lately, shops and supermarkets are also getting in on the act; in an effort to sell you that new fridge or sofa, retailers are willing to give it to you on an ‘Interest free period’ often with nothing to pay upfront. But wait, you can only get this deal if you have a good credit rating; those with bad credit will have to pay the full price upfront.

When it comes to buying cars, although some lenders will accept people with bad credit, it’s on higher interest loans, in the end the person with bad credit pays more for the same car.

Employment: This one is a bit bizarre but some employees find it necessary to check your credit rating before deciding whether to give you the job or not. Perhaps it’s to determine whether you’ll steal company funds or perhaps it’s to determine whether you’ll demand a pay rise due to your financial iniquities!

As you can see life costs a little more if you happen to have a bad credit rating whereas if you have a good one, you might even benefit from all the gimmicks lenders use to lure new customers. With that in mind, work on your credit rating, if you already have a good one, use it to your advantage!