How To Get Out of Credit Card Debt 101
Having problems with your debts? Starting up the year with stress because of the charges youve incurred last holiday season? Is there a way to get out of debt more easily? This article will discuss some tips on how you can get free from your debt problems effectively:
Transfer your high rate credit cards. If you cant pay off your credit card balance in full by the end of the month, its a good idea to transfer them over to another credit card that has no interest. Also, if you have more than one credit card, check which one of your cards have the lowest rate of interest so you can transfer over your balances.
When transferring credit card balances, check if there are transfer fees or penalties. If youre opening a new credit card, check how long the zero interest rate will last. Promo periods usually end by six months while other credit cards offer a longer time period of up to a year or even more. Its important that you complete your repayment before the zero interest introductory offer expires.
Focus on paying off your credit card debts. Dont be content with just paying the minimum of your credit card charges. Make it a point to pay off your balances in full as much as possible. Concentrate on paying your charges on your highest rate credit cards and work your way down to those with the lowest interest. This way, you can avoid paying for additional interest and penalty fees.
Put your credit cards at halt. It is advised to stop using your credit cards until youve finished paying off all your bills. Dont give yourself a hard time paying off too many bills at one time. Dont risk getting stuck in credit card debts just because you kept charging more expenses on your cards. Exercise discipline and avoid debt problems.
Check your credit limit. How much of your credit limit have you used in purchasing for the holidays? Remember, experts advise all credit card holders not to go beyond 40% to 50% of their allowable credit line. If you go beyond that, you risk getting stuck in debts and there is a possibility that your creditors will increase your rates because youll be considered as a high-risk borrower. To avoid such problems, make sure that you stay within below 40% of your credit.
Check your credit card statement. Do you take the time to study your credit card statement? If your credit card enables you to access your account online, take this opportunity to make sure that all charges on your credit are accurate.
Check if your payments are aptly recorded by your credit card issuer. If you have any disputes, call your credit card issuer immediately and clear up your concerns. If by any chance, you wont be able to submit your payment on time, call your bank right away to explain your situation and ask for an adjustment. Most creditors wont report your late payment if you can re-submit on the next 30 days.