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A Quik Look – Business Loans Basics

One must be well familiar with all the aspects of Business Loans. All matters are based on certain basics. Business Loan being a financial matter are also based on certain basics and it is extremely important to learn in detail about these basic before you decide to go for a Business Loan.

Business Loan is a necessity in every business and there are many types of loans available for businessmen to obtain as per there requirement. Every businessman plans to get some loan for his and one time or another, this may be to compensate or reinforce is own working capital in order to meet a requirement which may not be within the capacity of the capital in the account, or to establish a new business for which an additional capital is needed or to buy certain additional or new appliances/gadgets to meet the increase demand of the business, or for payment of wages to some additional employees till the income generated is able to meet the expenses, or for expansion of space an essential requirement to expand the business & there can be numerous other reasons too.

The important point is that will a businessman get the loan sanctioned when he/she applies for it, or will it be sanctioned in time to meet the requirement, or the amount of business loan sanctioned is same as applied or less and will the fewer amounts be sufficient to meet the need. Our endeavour here is to guide the businessmen for obtaining loan so that the businessman is able to obtain the Business loan without any problems.

The first step after you decides to go for Business Loan is to select the Lender from whom you will like to get the money. Sources available are internet, friends, other businessmen and financial companies; having selected one lender the second step is to complete the paper work. The necessary form can be obtained from Internet or the office of the Lender, better option is the company where you can also be briefed in person in detail and you are likely not to miss out any information required.

Remember it is not necessary that you have to be a businessman to apply for Business Loan, you may be an employed person and want to start your business, you are very much eligible for a business loan, but you must have knowledge of the type of loan you should apply for. All businessmen applying for Business Loans must also have the knowledge of the types of loans available.

There are TWO types of Business loans. The Short Term Business Loans and the Long Term Business Loans:-

Short Term Business Loans – The word “Term” here is not related to terms and conditions, here it indicates the time period of the loan. These loans are normally for a shorter duration of time, say 6 months to12 months, therefore the amount of loan is also of smaller denomination a maximum of $100,000. Apply for this type of loan if your requirement is to invest money to generate an additional income in speed so that the loan is paid back within the prescribed period. Short Term Business Loans are mostly needed and beneficial for seasonal businesses. Long Term Business Loans – Loans involving large amount of money and for longer period of time are called the Long term Business Loans. The time period can extend from a minimum of 7 years to a longer period. The time frame depends on the amount of loan. This type of loans is mostly meant for large businesses to meet the requirements of extensions or additional machinery/ vehicles or buying new enterprises etc. Business Loan may be of any type it should be utilized for the purpose it is obtained for. Obtaining or giving a business loan is a source of income for both the Lender and the Borrower.

How car leasing works

Car leasing is a popular alternative to borrowing to purchase a business car, but car leasing can be a great alternative for individuals too. Whether you want to purchase a car or just rent one for a while, car leasing could be the answer. Car leasing is basically renting a car, similar to leasing an office or house. When leasing a car, the finance company purchases the car of your choice. They then allow you to use the car for the term of the lease in return for a monthly payment.

If the vehicle is used solely for business purposes, the repayments made are completely tax deductible when car leasing. Car leasing involves paying the depreciation which becomes your tax deduction. The residual value is the depreciated asset price at the end of the term.

Benefits of car leasing

Some of the benefits of car leasing are:

Car leasing payments can be a tax deduction for business vehicles Car leasing enables you to change your car every few years Interest and monthly payments are fixed, so costs are known in advance Car leasing payments are often lower than a car loan The car is used as security against the lease, so interest rates are often lower than car loans Car leasing offers flexible terms from 2 – 5 years Car leasing can be used for either new or used vehicles.

Types of car leasing

There are three main types of car leasing

operating leases, finance leases and novated leases.

The main difference between operating and finance leases is at the end of the car leasing term. With an operating lease, the lender retains ownership of the car, whereas with finance leasing, you are responsible for the residual or balloon payment and you assume ownership. Options at the end of a finance lease are; pay out the balloon payment and keep the car, trade in the vehicle, or refinance the balloon payment with another lease or loan.

A fully maintained car lease is a finance lease that includes running costs of the car such as services, fuel, tyres etc. This type of car leasing is perfect if you need to have fixed costs each month.

Novated leasing works quite differently to operating and finance leasing. If you are an employee interested in leasing a car, you should consider novated leasing if you wish to salary package a car.

Who does car leasing suit?

Car leasing suits anyone who wants the latest car or whose business requires a car that is always new. Car leasing is possible for personal, business or mixed use cars, but car leasing is particularly useful for financing cars used solely for business purposes. Because car leasing payments are often lower than car loan repayments, car leasing is an attractive to anyone struggling to afford a car loan.

Applying for a car lease

360 Financial Services can help you choose the right car leasing option for you. For more information on car leasing, please contact 360 Financial Services or apply for a car lease online.