Tag Archives: business

Elan Credit Card…Mystery Solved

While completing the research for this article, admittedly I was becoming a bit frustrated. What is it with these companies that have credit cards offers that no one could seem to access online? Seriously, what is the point?

If I am interested in your organizations’ credit card, I would expect to go online and search for your card and…voila, an entire website with all the information I need appears. It’s not magic; it’s the way things should be, any good marketer knows that.

Well to my surprise, this is not what I experienced while searching for the Elan credit card. Instead I was greeted with a card member services page for all my search effort. Now tell me, how can I become a member when I can’t even find information on the credit card offer to decide if to follow through with an application.

On further investigation, I realized that the Elan membership page was powered by Elan Financial Services so I thought If I visited their site, I might gain access to the details of the Elan credit card offer.

Once I landed at www.elanfinancialservices.com it became clear why there were no specific credit offers splashed across the Internet and on this occasion I would let go of my frustration because I now understand what Elan is all about.

You see Elan is actually a transaction management company that offers credit cards and other financial services to its partners.

They do not offer credit cards to the general public, but rather they handle the background work such as card authorization processing, system monitoring and point of service transactions to name a few. You can click here =>

Invoice Factoring Can Save Your Business

Invoice factoring is the basic practice of selling invoices to financial factoring companies for the purpose of receiving money right away. Smaller companies often fall into the financial trap of not having available resources and therefore sell their invoices to financial agencies in order to gain working capital. This practice does not require the business to swallow more debt and in fact operates in an opposite manner. Small businesses that don’t utilize the financial tool of accounts receivable factoring acquire more debt by waiting for the accounts receivables to be paid.

Invoice factoring is typically used as a measure to avoid falling further into debt. Without this effective financial management tool many businesses have to adopt more loans or alternatively, put up more collateral for existing loans. Invoice factoring is available at a minimal fee, which makes it an attractive substitute to assuming more debt. In fact, accounts receivable factoring fees are usually set up by way of discount and these rates differ from individual company to company. The great advantage to this type of liquidation is that there are no interest fees to pay and the result is most often better profit margins.

There are many financial companies that offer invoice factoring services. The individual agencies will set up a company with the right set of accounts receivable factoring parameters. After the professionals from the invoice factoring agency assess the individual situation, they will set up the receivables to be factored and proceed accordingly.

Financial agencies that offer accounts receivable factoring are located worldwide and support every industry under the sun. Even truck drivers can sell their invoices to an invoice factoring financial service to free up capital fast. One of the most attractive aspects to an accounts receivable factoring agency is that they customize the service to each business’s individual requirements.

There are as many different types of invoice factoring agencies, as they are rates for factoring invoices. Some purchase the invoices no matter what the receivable total is and some accounts receivable factoring agencies will only liquidate invoices that accumulate more than $100, 000. Generally the higher the invoice factoring total is, the lower the rates will be to take advantage of this financial escape. In cases where the total is in excess of a hundred thousand, a solid accounts receivable factoring agency will offer rates that can be as low as two per cent!

There are many different types of invoice factoring agencies. For example, some agencies will only serve those businesses in the medical profession while others only serve purchase order factoring. There are some accounts receivable factoring agencies that are specifically designed to cater to small business and offer many great advantages that a larger agency wouldn’t necessarily offer. Despite the type of invoice factoring agency that is required for every individual business need, accounts receivable factoring typically happens within a 24 hour time period.