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To Pursue Home Loans or Not to Pursue Home Loans

In today’s economy, home loans are becoming harder and harder to get. More and more people have bad credit and are finding it impossible to buy a home. Or, if they are able to get a loan, the interest rates are sky high. Many people say that now is a terrible time to buy a home. But although home loans may be difficult to come by, that doesn’t mean that it is a bad idea for everyone. There are many things to consider when you are deciding how your home living situation should be.

Obviously, you have to decide if you are going to rent or purchase a home. If your financial situation is unstable, you probably want to consider continuing to rent. If your job is not secure, you could find yourself in a bad situation if you get a home loan you can’t afford. Home loans tend to be more expensive monthly, depending on the situation. You also have to look at your credit rating. If you do not have good credit, you are not alone. These days, bad credit has become even more common than good. Despite the fact that fewer and fewer people have good credit, banks are still reluctant to loan to people with poor credit.

Once you have determined that your credit is high enough for alone, there are other things to think about. If you are in the proper position to buy a house, the poor economy can work to your advantage. Property value has plummeted, which means that you can get a house for much cheaper than you normally might. It puts you in a position to make some real money on your house when property value goes back up. While you are in the house, you can also make renovations that will make your property worth even more. In the end, if you are in a good position to buy a house, now is a great time to buy property.

Another thing to consider is that home loans are long term commitments. You shouldn’t buy a home unless you are planning to stay in one location for at least five years. With the housing market as poor as it is, the upside is your ability to get a house at a good price. But you should be prepared for the housing market to plummet even more. If you are hoping to turn your house around in a year and sell it, you may find yourself in trouble. If you end up having to move and purchase another house in a new location, you might find yourself trapped in home loans for houses you don’t want. There are few things more nerve wracking than having to pay two mortgages while you wait in vain for your house to sell. However, if you are able and willing to make the commitment, you stand to end up with a good investment.

When you are considering home loans, make sure you assess the home you are looking at. Is it a good neighbourhood? Can you do the necessary work to fix it up and raise the value? Are you prepared to stay with the house at least until property value goes up? It is essential that the answer to these questions is yes before you commit to home loans. In a better housing market, it might not take such a huge commitment, but bad planning can cause you to end up in a bad situation – foreclosure and a bad mark on your credit report. Make sure you are prepared before you get invested in home loans.

How car leasing works

Car leasing is a popular alternative to borrowing to purchase a business car, but car leasing can be a great alternative for individuals too. Whether you want to purchase a car or just rent one for a while, car leasing could be the answer. Car leasing is basically renting a car, similar to leasing an office or house. When leasing a car, the finance company purchases the car of your choice. They then allow you to use the car for the term of the lease in return for a monthly payment.

If the vehicle is used solely for business purposes, the repayments made are completely tax deductible when car leasing. Car leasing involves paying the depreciation which becomes your tax deduction. The residual value is the depreciated asset price at the end of the term.

Benefits of car leasing

Some of the benefits of car leasing are:

Car leasing payments can be a tax deduction for business vehicles Car leasing enables you to change your car every few years Interest and monthly payments are fixed, so costs are known in advance Car leasing payments are often lower than a car loan The car is used as security against the lease, so interest rates are often lower than car loans Car leasing offers flexible terms from 2 – 5 years Car leasing can be used for either new or used vehicles.

Types of car leasing

There are three main types of car leasing

operating leases, finance leases and novated leases.

The main difference between operating and finance leases is at the end of the car leasing term. With an operating lease, the lender retains ownership of the car, whereas with finance leasing, you are responsible for the residual or balloon payment and you assume ownership. Options at the end of a finance lease are; pay out the balloon payment and keep the car, trade in the vehicle, or refinance the balloon payment with another lease or loan.

A fully maintained car lease is a finance lease that includes running costs of the car such as services, fuel, tyres etc. This type of car leasing is perfect if you need to have fixed costs each month.

Novated leasing works quite differently to operating and finance leasing. If you are an employee interested in leasing a car, you should consider novated leasing if you wish to salary package a car.

Who does car leasing suit?

Car leasing suits anyone who wants the latest car or whose business requires a car that is always new. Car leasing is possible for personal, business or mixed use cars, but car leasing is particularly useful for financing cars used solely for business purposes. Because car leasing payments are often lower than car loan repayments, car leasing is an attractive to anyone struggling to afford a car loan.

Applying for a car lease

360 Financial Services can help you choose the right car leasing option for you. For more information on car leasing, please contact 360 Financial Services or apply for a car lease online.