Tag Archives: good
Instant Tenant Loans Ensure Quick Approval
Sometimes, all types of tenants need money immediately to avoid a late payment or for starting a work without delaying it. Keeping such urgencies in mind, they can take out instant tenant loans on some conditions. The applicants must focus on the cost of availing an amount so that its repayment is burden less to larger extent.
It is mainly through online mode that you will get approval of the loan in time because of quick accessibility of the application to the lenders and fast pace of processing. Such lenders have placed their offers of the loan on their websites. Another reason for these loans being called as instant is that the lenders do not have to waste time in valuation of property, which is not at all involved for collateral as far as this loan is concerned. A usual parameter for approving the loan is the adequate repayment capability of the applicants. So, good amount of balance in your bank accounts, good monthly earnings and an acceptable credit history are the factors that can lead you to fast approval of these loans.
Without offering anything for collateral, you can borrow £1000 to £25000 as instant tenant loans for any personal purpose. The amount carries short repayment duration of six months to 15 years. But make sure that the borrowed amount is well within your repayment capability including the interest payments. You will be making interest payments at little higher rate. However, in case of your excellent or good credit history, a comparatively lower rate is accessible if you research the internet for such offers.
In case of the applicants having a bad or poor credit history like cases of late payments, defaults, arrears and CCJs, then they should be prepared for making the interest payments at enhanced rates. In fact, high rate of interest makes the loan easier to avail.
Apply for APR quotes of the lenders, who are providing instant tenant loans and compare the rates. Select an offer in keeping your circumstances and requirements in mind besides a low rate and fewer additional charges on it. Ensure that you repay each installment of the loan without missing any.
Can You Ask Your Credit Card To Lower Your Interest Rate?
If you think that the interest rate of your credit card must be reduced, dont just sit there and wait. Credit card companies wont volunteer to lower your rate if you wont ask them to. Surprisingly, a recent study reveals that 57% of credit card holders simply phoned in their requests and were granted a lower rate without any difficulty. So if you think youre a good candidate, pick up your phone and speak out.
Why Ask for a Lower Rate Lowering your interest by even just 10 points or less can bring huge savings to your budget. Just imagine bringing down your 19% interest to just 10%. Now certainly, that makes a big difference. Although it should be your goal to pay off your balances in full each month and avoid the interest altogether, there may be instances when you have to carry over your balance. Reducing your interest rate protects you from the risk of bad credit.
Are You a Good Candidate? Nevertheless, credit card companies wont just lower their rates for anyone. Are you a good candidate? First, check your credit report and gauge your credit rating. If youve been consistent in submitting your payments on time to all your creditors, you should have problem maintaining a high credit score. Paying off your monthly charges in full also makes you an ideal customer for creditors.
Your debt to income ratio may also be considered. How much do you spend each month and how does this compare to your earnings? Do you frequently carry a large amount of charges on your card? Do you often maximize your cards credit limit? Financial experts recommend not using more than 40% of your given credit. Using more than 505 or worse, exceeding your credit line would make you a high-risk borrower in the eyes of creditors.
Also, you need to consider the type of credit card you have. If youre using a secured credit card or a bad credit credit card, you may not be in the position to demand for reduced rates. Since youre regarded as a high-risk borrower, you cant expect your credit card company to reduce your rates just because you asked them to.
What to Say If you enjoy an excellent credit history, theres no reason why you shouldnt deserve a lower rate. The question is, what should you say to your credit card issuer? What points can you use to convince your credit card to reduce your costs?
One strategy is to research about the interest rates that other credit card companies offer. Based on your research, compare them with your credit cards rate and use this argument to request for a lower rate. You can also point out that youve been a long time customer (and a good payer at that!) and that youll like to stay within their company but that other credit cards seem to offer a better deal. Ask them if they could match that offer.
If the person you talked to insists that it is not in their power to make adjustments on fees, ask to speak with the supervisor. If your request is initially rejected, dont lose hope. Call again after a month or two and see if theyll be more agreeable to your request. While waiting, continue to improve your credit score and youll have better chances of getting a positive answer.