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Should I be taking out a loan?
A loan, if done under the right circumstances and for the right reasons, can be a good thing.
Heres why:
If you take out a loan and you are diligent when it comes to making your monthly repayments, you will establish whats known as a good credit history. Your credit history is established based on the number of credit accounts you have. An account could include a clothing account at a retail outlet or a credit card from a bank.
So the answer to the question should I be taking out a loan is simple:
You should only be lending money in situations where you really need it and not to buy things that you want.
This is where the line definitely becomes blurred for a lot of people. Many people get stuck in a vicious circle of debt because they start using their credit cards for luxury items and ultimately overspend. To make matters worse, the more you spend on your credit card, the higher your credit limit goes, giving you leeway to spend even more.
A credit card can be a valuable asset if you use it in the right situation. Lets say you earn R5000 a month. R1500 of that goes toward groceries and toiletries. R2000 goes toward rent, and youve got R1500 left to save or do whatever you wish. During one particular month your car breaks down, you dont have insurance and the repairs to the vehicle are going to cost R3000.
You only have R1500 to spare- what now? Youve got your credit card right? So all you need to do is use your R1500 spending money and the R1500 you would have spent on groceries to pay for the repairs to your car. Then you use the credit card to pay for your groceries. This is an effective compromise because you will only be putting R1500 through on your credit card instead of the full R3000, so youll end up paying back less.
Why would I ever need a good credit history?
Well besides having a credit card to bail you out of situations like the one described above, having a good credit history comes in handy when you make one of the biggest purchasing decisions of your life -buying a house. Houses are expensive, which means that youll have to lend from the bank. In the last couple of years lending criteria have become stringent, making it much harder for the average person to take out a loan.
Banks take a number of factors into consideration when assessing loan applications, including monthly income and credit history. If the bank can see that youve made an effort to pay your account on time each month theres a much greater chance that theyll approve your loan.
Things you need to know on Equity Loan Rates
It is hard to find the best home equity loan rates because you have to wade through hundreds of banks, companies and other financial institutions flooding the country. Therefore, before taking out a home equity loan it is best to gather all your information and do some research first. Through research you will be able to find the best home equity loan rates that are stable, low, fixed and possessing tax-deductible features. Fixed interest rate can seem more expensive at first, but studies show that they prove to be more affordable and in some cases cheaper in the long run.
Being predictable is one feature of good fixed home equity rate. Consistent payments every month makes one worry free about the fluctuations of the interest rates and monthly loan payments. Equity loans for homes provide credit in bulk and you can maintain a constant interest rate for the entire loan and the repayment period, whether it is for 5 years, 10 years, 15 year, or longer.
Companies offer different rates. There are some financial institutions that provide good home equity rates. The best equity rates are those that are low, tax-deductible and stable. You will be able to find the best one by doing some research, putting forth effort and a little knowledge.
Shopping for best equity loan rates are the best way to get good results for your loan. To be able to come up with the best companies you need to consider some important factors. The lender you choose is very important in the process. One should make a project of researching and understanding the subject yourself. Here are some factors to consider in choosing the right company.
& 8226;It is best to always check the prime rate. It is the amount of interest charged to the best banks for their loans. Most of the loan rates and other loans are based on the prime rate plus some other factors. It will allow a review or check of the pattern of increases and decreases in loan rates. Credit score, size of the funding and the size of the loans are factors regarding the interest rate that will be charged on a specific loan. You may not receive the prime rate for your loan, but lower rates are available to the best customers.
& 8226;It is important to know who the potential lenders are. If you were able to come up with a company that offers a great loan rate, then you should do what is needed to be done so that the company can work with you right away. Check the background of the lender. This can be done by checking it thoroughly online.
& 8226;If you reduce the size of your loan you will be able to get better equity loan rates. This should be correlated with the ability of the lending institution to fund the loans. Other lenders will not take small equity loan while others won& 8217;t be able to handle a large loan.
So if you are looking for the best equity loan rates consider the above ideas and factors and you will be able to have a competitive loan rate in the industry.