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Motion Activated Spotlights Can Help Improve Home Security h
It is the fact that 60 percent of all Americans have their own home. Having your own house means that you are responsible not just to you and your mortgage holder but to your neighbors as well as your community. You may follow very strict laws about what you can and cannot do to your home which your neighborhoods set up.
One of the very first things you should consider is starting or joining a neighborhood watch program. If your neighborhood doesn’t have one they are easy enough to start up. And they are free. Just check with your local sheriffs’ department. They can help you get one going.
Of course there are many other things you can do to beef up their home security. Start with removing trees and shrubs that could be possible hiding places near lower-level windows and doors. Consider putting in some signage warning of a vicious guard dog or a security company. Some people spend a great deal of money on security systems that are monitored and they are fine if you have the money. Most new homeowners don’t.
Other simple things you can do are to install some door alarms window alarms. Surprisingly, 60% of all burglaries occur through unlocked doors and windows.
On a more sophisticated side, but really not that expensive, are motion activated spotlights with a home security camera. These have a spy camera and a DVR inside them-a hidden dvr. When the motion detector is tripped the bright 80 LED spotlight goes on and a DVR starts recording. Images go on to an 8 GB SD card that holds approximately 5 hours of video. It has the capability of the 32 GB SD card as an option.
The view range is 120degrees and 80 feet, which is very good for night time viewing. Since the recording is done on motion activated only it is possible, depending on the level of activity, to get over a weeks worth of recording on one SD card.
So you provide nighttime security for your home and as a bonus if anybody should be so crazy as to try and break into your house you will have their image on the camera. Beef up your security and surveillance with one of these new tools.
When are you getting one?
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