Tag Archives: home loan
Home Loan Refinancing: Facts And Tips
Home loan refinancing are now common terms among Americans. Often, since home loans imply long repayment programs, the borrowers financial situations vary and adjustments need to be made. Thats when home loan refinancing comes in handy. Also, there are many who want to benefit from lower interest rates that are sometimes made available to them and thus, they need to refinance their home loan. For those who are not yet familiar with home loan refinancing specifics, here are some facts and tips:
Home Loan Refinancing Nature
A refinance home loan is just another loan secured with the same asset that replaces the previous one in such a way that the money obtained from the new loan is fully (or the biggest part of it) used to repay the outstanding mortgage loan. A Refinance home loan is therefore a mortgage loan with a particular condition, the money needs to be used to cancel the previous mortgage so the asset secures fully the new loan.
Cash Out Refinance Home Loans
Cash out refinance home loans are refinance home loans that offer more money than what is needed to repay the previous mortgages balance. The remaining amount can be used for any purpose but is usually employed for eliminating consumer debt and thus consolidating all debt into a single loan with a very affordable interest rate. Cash out refinance loans use the available equity on the property to finance and secure this surplus.
Home Loan Refinancing For Saving Money On A Monthly Basis
One of the purposes of home loan refinancing is to save money on a monthly basis. For such use, the repayment schedule of the new loan needs to be longer than the remaining of the current loan. By extending a repayment program for 20 more years you can cut your payments by half or even more depending on the years left on your current mortgage. These obviously can guarantee you more affordable monthly payments and bring a lot of ease to your finances and income. Moreover, if you can obtain a lower rate too, you can save even more.
Home Loan Refinancing For Saving Money In The Long Run
The above situation can imply higher costs in the long run. If you want savings, then you need to pay fewer interests. There are two ways to achieve this: you can refinance and obtain a new home loan with a lower interest rate and a similar repayment program or you can refinance and obtain a ne home loan with a similar rate, a lower one or even a higher one but shrinking the repayment program so the interests rate will be calculated on a shorter schedule. This of course, implies higher monthly payments that you need to make sure you can afford.
Balloon Mortgage Refinancing
Balloon mortgage loans have little monthly payments because you mainly pay for interests and only at the end of the repayment program you have to make a balloon or lump payment to cancel the loans principal. Sometimes, people can not afford this lump payment and therefore choose to refinance this amount. It is a great alternative to defaulting on the loan and thus risking repossession. Moreover, it is possible to refinance into a balloon loan from a regular mortgage loan to reduce your payments for some time as well as out of a mortgage loan as explained above.
Do you Qualify for Home Loan Modification?
If you’re one of the many homeowners hit by the economic crash, chances are you’ve looked into refinancing, short sales, and other ways to help you get back on track. But if you’re in serious default or are at risk of losing your home, your best bet may be a home loan modification. Also called a mortgage modification, this process involves negotiating with your lender for more comfortable mortgage terms. The government has launched a home loan modification plan, known as Home Affordable Modification Program, designed to help troubled homeowners get better terms.
Each lender has a different standard for granting loan modifications, but the general requirements are pretty much the same. Below are some common cases that may make you eligible for a home loan modification.
Financial hardship Maybe you lost your job, got divorced, or had to pay emergency medical bills. These are all valid reasons (especially in this economy) for falling behind on your mortgage. Note that to qualify for a loan modification, the hardship has to be temporary and you have to have sufficient income. Provide bank statements or financial documents to show that youll be able to keep up with the modified loan.
Adjustable-rate mortgages A lot of today’s home defaults can be attributed to adjustable-rate mortgages, most of which were issued during the sub-prime boom between 2004 and 2007. Once the teaser period ended and the rates reverted to normal, many homeowners found themselves unable to keep up. The government’s home loan modification program allows these homeowners to return to comfortable mortgage terms, so they can avoid foreclosure and save their credit.
Falling home values Many people have found themselves unable to refinance because their home values have fallen, sometimes to a point where they owe more on the home than it’s currently worth. However, decreased home value alone won’t qualify you for a home loan modification, as home values are expected to rise and fall during the life of the loan. But combined with other factors, a decreased value can certainly increase your chances.
Lending violations Sub-prime lenders have been found to violate a number of laws on fair lending, and you can use this to your advantage when applying for a Home Loan Modification. Have a qualified loan modification attorney review your case and see if there are any violations you can use for leverage. With an experienced lawyer, you can negotiate more strongly with your lender and come out with a much more agreeable deal.