Tag Archives: home
Getting A Home Loan – How To Find The Best
When you have a credit score ranging from 720-750 chances are you will get a nice interest rate an affordable loan overall. If you have a down payment and a nice credit history, then you will definitely get the best loan possible!
For the rest of us, we will have to spend a little time working on our credit. These days a lender has to do a lot of investigating to see if you are a credible applicant to give a loan to. Lenders will probe your credit report for late payments, missed payments and judge you based on your debt to income ratio.
You could be approved for a loan with scores ranging from 620-650 but it will not look nice on paper. You will be at the banks mercy to pay large amounts in closing costs, extremely high interest rates and usually other fees as well.
Do not worry; there are easy things you can do to quickly put you in a better loan obtaining position. First you need to get a copy of your credit report. Check for any mistakes or old information to be deleted.
Then you need to know your debt to income ration since this is vital information lenders look at. To make it better, start paying off balances or earn more income. If you can increase your pay and post it towards your balances you will be in the perfect position even quicker.
Why is there such a dramatic change with in the last few years in the housing industry you ask? It is simple to understand what went wrong and who is truly at fault for such a struggling economy.
The government gave too much control and confidence to the banks for their lending objectives. Bankers were so greedy to make money that they gave huge loans to irresponsible and unqualified applicants.
It was simply way too easy to get quickly approved for a home loan back then. As long as you could provide a viable credit score lenders would make you an offer. All you had to do after that was decide how to decorate.
Today a lot of those people are struggling to repay their home loans. This in turn has created a huge fall in our economy. People are skipping payments and are finding themselves in a foreclosure situation.
It crucial to be aware of your credit situation before you apply for a home loan, especially in today’s economic crisis. Do not settle for any a loan approval.
Take the time to boost your credit score so you qualify for the best loan possible! Do your homework and you will be excited with the money you will save.
Homeowner Loans – Are They Different From Secured Loans?
Let’s face it, getting a loan can sometimes seem traumatic. Where do you go to get a loan? How much can I borrow? What sort of loan is best for me? …and i’m guessing that these are only some of the questions you’ve asked yourself recently, right?
If you’re a homeowner, it’s even worse in some respects because there’s a much wider choice available to you and yes, it includes homeowner loans and secured loans.
So, what’s the difference?
Well, the truth is – “not a lot”! There are many providers out there, lenders and brokers, that use either one or the other term, but in reality, they mean the same thing. So, if you’re looking for a loan and intend to use some of the equity you’ve built up in your property, then a homeowner secured loan could be for you. (Sorry – that means the same as homeowner loan and secured loan as well! Getting a little carried away with the choice thing there for a minute!)
If you don’t have a mortgage, ie you own your home outright, then you cannot opt for a secured loan. This is because in the loans industry, the correct technical term for a secured loan is a 2nd charge loan; so called because a mortgage is a first charge. If you defaulted on your mortgage, the mortgage lender would be able to foreclose on their loan and receive proceeds from the forced sale of your property, equal to the amount they are owed, before a 2nd charge or secured loan lender was able to claim their share of the proceeds to cover their loan to you. So, you can’t have a 2nd charge on your property if a 1st charge doesn’t exist.
Similarly, if you rent your home, ie you’re a tenant, you cannot apply for a homeowner or secured loan because you do not own the property. You will have to go for a personal loan or an unsecured loan (by another name). Confusing isn’t it?
What can I use a homeowner loan for?
The most common purpose for a homeowner loan is debt consolidation (converting lots of existing credit into one secured loan). This happens at any time of the year but is especially common just after Christmas and the summer holidays, when many people have decided that they can reduce their interest payments on credit cards by opting for a homeowner loan.
The next most popular reason is home improvements. If you’re having the builders in or even doing it yourself, you could use the bricks and mortar you already have to help you to raise the cash necessary to cover the costs of the changes you want to make.
..and other common reasons for taking out a homeowner loan are:-
– a luxurious, far off holiday – a new car, caravan or motorbike – a wonderful wedding to remember, – or just to treat yourself to something special.
So what are you waiting for? Go on, pamper yourself! A homeowner loan is easier to apply for now than ever. It’ll only take a few seconds to enquire with an online loan broker and you could have a decision in principle back to you within minutes. Of course, you’ll still need to complete and sign a credit agreement and make sure that you allow enough time for the loan to complete which is typically around 4-6 weeks. Happy hunting!