Tag Archives: hour
Finding One Hour Payday Loan Lenders
Everyone needs cash in an emergency. Be it for medical expenses, unforeseen car repairs or any hardship that you might face. One hour payday loans used to be difficult to find. Going from loan center to loan center in an attempt to locate lenders who would extend a short term loan to help alleviate your financial misfortunes. Not only are lenders available on a walk in basis but there are literally hundreds of one hour payday loan providers now available online. These lenders provide short term loans for overdue bills or any other financial bind you may find yourself in between paydays. Lenders these days actively solicit customers for payday loans because of there ease of delivery and the profit margin for them.
There are two basic types of lenders in the marketplace willing to write you a loan. Direct and indirect lenders are both willing to deal with borrowers but they have differences that make them unique in there approach. While indirect lenders serve the same purpose as direct lenders their methods are more tedious and time consuming. Much like what lending institutions such as banks and credit unions charge they are as a rule more expensive because they involve third parties to help them establish your credit history in their attempts to approve your loan.
In contrast direct or no teletrack lenders deal with the borrower directly thus eliminating the middleman and enabling them to provide services more inexpensively and much more quickly. Most online loans can be completed in a matter of minutes and the money made available to the borrower instantly after approval. If you are at least 18 years of age, employed for 3 months or more, and have an active bank account with direct deposit access you are well on your way to being approved for a one hour payday loan. These loans are quick and easy to obtain and if you chose to apply for your loan online all transactions are transmitted over secure lines. Shop around and find a reputable company, that fits your needs. Compare interest rates and repayment terms.
Once approved your funds are deposited directly into your bank account and available for you. When your payback date, which was established at the time of your application, arrives the lending institution simply withdraws the amount due from your bank account. You get cash when you need it most and repay it when you have it. Because one hour payday loans are secured against your paycheck most everyone who meets the minimum requirements will be able to qualify for loans witch generally range between $100 and $1000. This built in security is also the reason that your credit history is not important to the lender. You have already assured them that repayment will be made. In the event that the funds are not available on the established due date the lender will give extensions but this is to be avoided as the additional fees and penalties that are levied against you are extensive and can become difficult to recover from. Handled in a responsible manner the online loan can and will help you through those financial bumps in the road that we all occasionally run into.
Bringing One Hour Payday Loans Out Of The Dark Ages
The recent revolution in the availability of one hour payday loans simply reflects the current state of the world’s economy. More and more families are having to scramble to pay their bills and make ends meet. Forbid they should ever fall prey to some type of financial emergency such as a sick child or a thrown rod in the engine of the family car. One hour payday loans of the past were often shady, back alley operations that were barley recognized much less regulated. But those days are gone with the changing times and the realization that this once looked down upon operation, with a little retooling, could provide a safe, legal and easy means to help consumers out of a financial bind.. In the bad old days cash advance lenders would take advantage of customers who obviously were not going to have the means to pay them back. Then would continue to pile interest and fees on top of the unpaid balance to the point that payback was an impossibility.
Today one hour payday loans are easily accessible on the internet eliminating even the necessity to go down to the corner pawn shop to apply. Modern online forms are quick and painless. And because you apply from the privacy of your home, gone also is the embarrassment of having to reveal your financial status to a complete stranger face to face. Simply by proving that your are 18 years of age, have verifiable income from a job that you have held for at least 90 days and have some type of active bank account that has direct deposit set up you are well on your way to becoming approved. There is no need for a credit check or any type of inquiry into your credit history and no collateral is required. The reason for this is that the lender will extend you a short term one hour payday loan solely on the promise of a post dated check that you provide online. Once approved, the funds are wire transferred to your bank account where once received they are ready for your immediate withdrawal.
Of course securing a one hour payday loan is not free. In fact the interest rate can be quite high, anywhere from 15% – 30%. Which means for every $100 you borrow on a 25% loan you will be paying back $125. Because these loans are so short term, 30 days tops and more likely a two week repay time frame, the lender must make his money quickly. But the fast turnaround time and high volume of business the lender experiences makes it well worth his while. Many one hour payday loan sites have cropped up in recent years to capitalize on the growing financial instability of our modern society. The vast majority of these operations are legitimate and above board. One hour payday loans have become a way for consumers to quickly and easily secure funds for any emergency situation and these loans are for just that quick cash for emergency situations. These are not loans to vacation on or do your Christmas shopping with. They are to help you, as they have helped millions of people just like you and I, to overcome the occasional financial obstacle that gets tossed our way.