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Requirements for unsecured car loans

Unsecured loans are those loans that are given without any collateral. This specifies that such loans are not given against borrower property. In case of default the lender can take back his dues selling the collateral and taking the possession. A loan that is without collateral and used to finance the car purchase is considered as unsecured car loan.

Such type of loans becomes a risky term for the lender due to the lack of collateral. Generally lending institutions try to scrutinize the borrower’s credit history and income sources to measure the chances of his repaying the loan. In case you have bad credit record, it will be difficult for you to get an unsecured car loan. Such loans have a high rate of interest in order to give the compensation for the risk to the lender.

There are many advantages of unsecured car loan. As there is no requirement for any collateral, such loans are good for those people who can put their house at risk to purchase a new car. Along with this, such loans are generally processed very fast that makes them good for those people who have the immediate requirement of cash.

Before applying for an unsecured car loan there are some important factors that need to be considered.

It is necessary that you obtain your credit report copy. Whether you get the approval of lending institution or not, it will be determined with your credit record. So its good to apply for a credit report and see that there are no mistakes related with it.

Do a thorough research of your options. Different terms are offered by different lenders for such loans. If you are willing to take these type of car loans, do the complete research and find the rates and terms of the different lenders in order to get the best deal.

Low debt-to-income ratio must be achieved. This ratio is generally the percentage of your those earnings that is used for used debts repaying. Lenders generally prefer to lend to those people who utilize approximately 30% of their earnings towards paying off such existing loans. Thus some of the debts can be settled by you to achieve this ratio.