Tag Archives: monthly

Handling Student Loan Debt

Eliminating Student Loan Debt

Ideas for Getting Rid of Debt from Your Student Loan

College is very costly. After you graduate, the pressure to pay back your student loan can be a tremendous burden. If you are living hand-to-mouth and tired of it, here is some friendly advise that may help eliminate student loan debt completely.

Get a Student Loan Consolidation.

Many lenders are happy to loan the money you must have to pay for your college expenses. However, these loans may have a high interest rate, perhaps because of no credit history or imperfect credit when you assumed your loan. And with more than one loan, that can be a burdensome problem. Consolidating your student loans can lower your interest rate and your monthly payments. It also allows one payment instead of several.

You Can Refinance Your Loan

Consolidating can save money through lower interest charges and less per month payments, but that may not be enough to really help you out. You can consider refinancing your student loan to stretch out the length of the loan. This will spread the debt over a longer period of time and thereby lower your monthly payments by as much as half. You should be very careful about this option. You could be spending a lot more over the term of your loan.

Don’t Miss Making Your Payments

You want to pay down your debt for good and the most important step you can make is to pay on time every month. If you miss payments or are late, you will increase the loan debt and end up paying more in the long run. Be faithful in making payments and your debt will go away.

Consolidate All Your Student Loans Into One
Pay Less per Month by Consolidating Your Student Loans

A student loan can be a wonderful way to fund your college education and for some folks the only way, however, these loans must be paid back. When you are finished with school you may find repaying your loan is too much of a burden. If this is true for you, consider consolidating all your loans into one, or perhaps you would just like to save some of your hard earned cash.

What’s the Advantage of Loan Consolidation

Consolidating may bundle all your loans into a single package. You then have to deal with only one lender and one payment each month instead of one for each loan. Consolidation also allows you to get a lower interest rate and thereby save you a lot of money over the life of the loan.

What are the Costs of Consolidating Your Student Loans

Good news since you may lower your monthly payments significantly perhaps by as much as 60%. Regrettably, however, you could increase the amount of money you pay over time for the loan. Therefore before you decide to consolidate you should be very careful to look at the numbers (interest rate and loan terms). Take the time to learn about and compare the lenders you are considering.

These Federal Loans are Eligible for Loan Consolidation

Many federal loans have a low interest rates already. Even so, you may be able to get a lower payment by consolidating these loans. Federal loans that are typically eligible for consolidation follows:

  • Stafford Loans
  • Direct Loans
  • Perkins Loans
  • PLUS Loans
  • Supplemental Loans for Students
  • Federally Insured Student Loans
  • National Direct Student Loans
  • Loans for Disadvantaged Students
  • Auxiliary Loan to Assist Students
  • Health Education Assistance Loan

Been Denied A Chase Loan Modification

If you have tried to get a Chase loan modification and have been denied, you may still have options.

The problem with homeowners trying to get a loan modification approved themselves is that they do not understand the guidelines like a professional does. Many homeowners believe that you should lie to you lender and tell them that you make hardly any money or that you make more money than you do. This is not the case at all. Your lender wants to see a specific debt to income ratio, which normally shows that you would be able to make your monthly payments if they were lowered.

Makes sense, right? Why would your lender take all the man hours to modify your loan if they knew you were just going to end up defaulting on it anyways? That is why they have these specific guidelines set up.

One loan modification company is having great success with the “Obama Mortgage Plan”, otherwise known as the HAM program. While there are many articles on the internet doubting the effectiveness of this program, they are having great success. It all comes down to getting the files properly prepared so that you are within your lenders guidelines.

If you get qualified for the Obama program, you will be in great situation to lower your monthly mortgage payments. With this program you lender will do a few things to lower your monthly payment to 31% of you net pre tax monthly income. Here’s what they do:

1. Lower your interest rate to as low as 2%. If this does not lower your payment enough, they move to step 2.

2. Extend your mortgage terms. If you have a 30 year loan, they will extend it to 40 years to further lower your payment. If this is still not within the 31% guidelines, they move on to step 3.

3. Reduce your principal. While this is pretty rare, it does happen. Though usually, lowering your interest rate and extending your terms will drop your mortgage payments pretty low.

With home prices falling so low, many people are concerned about getting a principal reduction. They should be concerned with a payment reduction! I know it stinks that your house is worth less than you owe on it, but right now you should just focus on lowering your payments to something you can afford so you can still live in it! A 2% interest rate is going to cut your monthly payments just like cutting your balance would anyways, you will just have to stick it out until the markey comes back up…whenever that will be. I’m in the same boat, my house is negative $140,000 and I put 20% down on it in ’05 and never refi’d at all.

For a great company that can help get you qualified for a Chase loan modification, just visit the links below.