Tag Archives: payday loan
The Process Of One Hour Payday Loans
It can be a scary feeling having bills looming on the immediate horizon that you do not have the resources to pay for. Bills that are going to result in the termination of some type of service, your water or electricity for example. Many times people are fortunate enough to be able to borrow money from family or friends. But in those instances when no other type of assistance is available it is comforting to know that a quick cash advance can be easily obtained. The solution comes in the form of a one hour payday loan. These loans have become so readily available that anyone who fits just a few basic requirements can qualify for quick cash. If you are 18 years of age and have held the same job for the last six months then you could be well on your way to a one hour payday loan.
You can still find walk-in establishments that will help you out but these days most people simply go online to find sources for payday loans, there are many. An internet search will quickly turn up dozens of lenders willing to help you out of a financial jam and the application process is a breeze. You will need to have your banking information ready as they will need to know where to direct deposit the funds. Be certain that all the information such as account numbers, routing numbers, social security numbers, etc. are valid. Lenders have the means to verify this information and will reject your application if the information is erroneous. Lenders prefer to serve those employed outside the home and not self employed because of the fluctuation of assets that comes with self employment. The lender needs to know for certain that the money is going to be available when you repay date rolls around.
As soon as you complete your application and submit it online the lender will need to verify that you earn about $1200-$1500 a month. One hour payday loan companies also try and refrain from doing business with applicants who are in the military and people who’s income consists of receiving benefits. You will also be turned away if you have ever defaulted on a previous payday loan or you have a current loan out with another company. The approval process takes just minutes from the time that you submit your application. Once approved the funds are wire transferred directly into your account and are available for immediate withdrawal. When your loan comes due, generally no more than a month and usually just two weeks later, the lending institution simply withdraws the amount of the loan, plus interest and fees, back out of your account. It’s that easy. So don’t let the thought of overdue bills worry you, with a one hour payday loan literally at your fingertips you can borrow anywhere from $100-$1000 and avoid shut offs and reconnection fees and maybe in the process prevent another glitch on your credit history along the way.
Low Cost Payday Loan – A Really Surprising Facility
What are the factors that make a low cost payday loan different from others? The biggest difference when we compare it with any other type of loan is that you will not have to go through the trouble of credit checking. No matter how much is your credit score, you can always avail a bad credit guaranteed payday loan. If these types of cash advance surprise you then keep on reading. You will find a personal payday loan really much beneficial.
How To Qualify For The Loan?
Let us begin with the qualifying requirements for the low cost payday loan. As already mentioned you will be astonished when you come to know about very few requirements for availing the loan. Unlike other traditional loans, you do not have to sweat about satisfying the lending organization. However, you have to fulfill two basic requirements for this purpose.
The first requirement is related with your employment status. Low cost payday loan companies feel it necessary that you should be in the same organization for at least three months. This makes them feel that you are having a steady source of income and can make the repayments on time.
Another essential requirement is that you should have a valid checking account. This is required to ensure the smooth transfer of money both at the time of getting instant online payday loan and making repayment. No low cost payday loan is going to approve your loan if you do not fulfill this requirement. They do not want to deliver money by any other means and believe only in electronic transfer of money.
Processing Speed Is Very Fast
The speed at which the low cost payday loan company processes your application is yet another reason for surprise. Gone are the days when you had to wait for days to get approval after sending your application. With everything going online, you submit your application also online so it immediately reaches the lender. On receiving your application, lenders also take swift actions and you get approval in very short time. If nothing goes wrong, then you can watch money coming in your bank account in less than an hour. Do you expect any other to get money faster than this?
Many people hesitate in talking to anyone in person for getting a loan. You are saved from this humiliation also when you apply online for a low cost payday loan.