Tag Archives: payments
Been Denied A Chase Loan Modification
If you have tried to get a Chase loan modification and have been denied, you may still have options.
The problem with homeowners trying to get a loan modification approved themselves is that they do not understand the guidelines like a professional does. Many homeowners believe that you should lie to you lender and tell them that you make hardly any money or that you make more money than you do. This is not the case at all. Your lender wants to see a specific debt to income ratio, which normally shows that you would be able to make your monthly payments if they were lowered.
Makes sense, right? Why would your lender take all the man hours to modify your loan if they knew you were just going to end up defaulting on it anyways? That is why they have these specific guidelines set up.
One loan modification company is having great success with the “Obama Mortgage Plan”, otherwise known as the HAM program. While there are many articles on the internet doubting the effectiveness of this program, they are having great success. It all comes down to getting the files properly prepared so that you are within your lenders guidelines.
If you get qualified for the Obama program, you will be in great situation to lower your monthly mortgage payments. With this program you lender will do a few things to lower your monthly payment to 31% of you net pre tax monthly income. Here’s what they do:
1. Lower your interest rate to as low as 2%. If this does not lower your payment enough, they move to step 2.
2. Extend your mortgage terms. If you have a 30 year loan, they will extend it to 40 years to further lower your payment. If this is still not within the 31% guidelines, they move on to step 3.
3. Reduce your principal. While this is pretty rare, it does happen. Though usually, lowering your interest rate and extending your terms will drop your mortgage payments pretty low.
With home prices falling so low, many people are concerned about getting a principal reduction. They should be concerned with a payment reduction! I know it stinks that your house is worth less than you owe on it, but right now you should just focus on lowering your payments to something you can afford so you can still live in it! A 2% interest rate is going to cut your monthly payments just like cutting your balance would anyways, you will just have to stick it out until the markey comes back up…whenever that will be. I’m in the same boat, my house is negative $140,000 and I put 20% down on it in ’05 and never refi’d at all.
For a great company that can help get you qualified for a Chase loan modification, just visit the links below.
Improve Your Credit With An Auto Loan (Page 1 of 2)
If you plan on financing your next vehicle, you should take some time to shop for car loan quotes. Naturally you want to get the best possible interest rate, since auto loan interest rates are closely tied to your credit rating and credit score. Although you will need an excellent credit scored to get the best auto loan rates, most people are still able to secure some kind of auto financing. Free quotes are widely available online, and by comparing a number of quotes, you will get an idea of what to expect.
The first step in shopping for a car loan is to order a free copy of your credit report. If you find erroneous items on the credit report, you should get them removed before financing a vehicle. Once you review your credit report and learn your credit score, you will have some idea of the interest rate you can expect to pay.
If you find that your credit is poor, there are steps you can take to improve your credit score. Close accounts that you use rarely or never, because having too many open credit accounts can adversely affect your credit score. Avoid having accounts maxed out, and try not to make any late payments before applying for your auto loan.
Be aware that an excessive number of inquiries into your credit can have an adverse effect on your credit score. However, some inquiries count toward your FICO score and others don’t. If you authorize a lender to check your credit before applying for a loan or other type of credit, it will affect your FICO score. If you request a copy of your own credit report, or a business requests a copy of your report before performing a service or offering merchandise, it will not count against your credit score. Likewise, inquiries by a potential employer will not affect your FICO score.
There are a few steps you can take to improve your credit score before you apply for an auto loan:
– Close credit accounts which you seldom use, as having too many accounts may lower your credit score.
– Try to keep balances paid down as much as possible. A number of maxed out accounts could be viewed as a sign of the potential inability of an applicant to be able to make the payments.
– Obtain a copy of your credit report and check it for errors. Many people find inaccuracies on their credit reports that have lowered their credit score. You have the right to have corrections made to any inaccurate items on your credit report.
Once you have confirmed that your credit report contains only accurate information, you should build a history of timely payments, lowering your debt to income ratio and decreasing your total amount of debt. Increasing your credit score takes time, since negative items can remain on your credit report for seven years, and ten in the case of bankruptcy. Fortunately, older items are less important than your recent credit activity.
Now that you have the foundation for improving your credit in place, you are ready to begin shopping for auto loan quotes. Getting online quotes is a quick and efficient way to test the waters and see what kind of rates and terms you will be able to procure. Obviously you want the best car loan rates possible, but you should also be aware of the terms offered and the length of the loan. If lower monthly payments are your goal, you may greatly extend the time it takes to pay off the loan.