Tag Archives: quick cash
The Process Of One Hour Payday Loans
It can be a scary feeling having bills looming on the immediate horizon that you do not have the resources to pay for. Bills that are going to result in the termination of some type of service, your water or electricity for example. Many times people are fortunate enough to be able to borrow money from family or friends. But in those instances when no other type of assistance is available it is comforting to know that a quick cash advance can be easily obtained. The solution comes in the form of a one hour payday loan. These loans have become so readily available that anyone who fits just a few basic requirements can qualify for quick cash. If you are 18 years of age and have held the same job for the last six months then you could be well on your way to a one hour payday loan.
You can still find walk-in establishments that will help you out but these days most people simply go online to find sources for payday loans, there are many. An internet search will quickly turn up dozens of lenders willing to help you out of a financial jam and the application process is a breeze. You will need to have your banking information ready as they will need to know where to direct deposit the funds. Be certain that all the information such as account numbers, routing numbers, social security numbers, etc. are valid. Lenders have the means to verify this information and will reject your application if the information is erroneous. Lenders prefer to serve those employed outside the home and not self employed because of the fluctuation of assets that comes with self employment. The lender needs to know for certain that the money is going to be available when you repay date rolls around.
As soon as you complete your application and submit it online the lender will need to verify that you earn about $1200-$1500 a month. One hour payday loan companies also try and refrain from doing business with applicants who are in the military and people who’s income consists of receiving benefits. You will also be turned away if you have ever defaulted on a previous payday loan or you have a current loan out with another company. The approval process takes just minutes from the time that you submit your application. Once approved the funds are wire transferred directly into your account and are available for immediate withdrawal. When your loan comes due, generally no more than a month and usually just two weeks later, the lending institution simply withdraws the amount of the loan, plus interest and fees, back out of your account. It’s that easy. So don’t let the thought of overdue bills worry you, with a one hour payday loan literally at your fingertips you can borrow anywhere from $100-$1000 and avoid shut offs and reconnection fees and maybe in the process prevent another glitch on your credit history along the way.
Easy Cash With One Hour Payday Loans
Extra cash is something that we all need from time to time. For a myriad of reasons emergency situations pop up that put a strain on or financial condition. In the past when these emergencies occurred the options you were left with were few. You could either borrow money from friends or family or you could attempt to take out a traditional loan from an established lending institution such as a bank or credit union. The latter option with its tedious paperwork and credit checks often took entirely to long to secure. These days there is a better option, the one hour payday loan. These loans give you the option of borrowing a smaller amount of cash, usually between $100-$1000, safely and most importantly, quickly.
Although walk-in establishments do still exist, one hour payday loans are most easily accessed online. This convenience also holds less embarrassment of having to lay out your financial inadequacies face to face with another human being. The application process is amazingly simple. As long as you are 18 years of age, have held a steady job with verifiable income of at least $1200 – $1500 a month for the past 90 days and have an active bank account with direct deposit set up you have met the minimum requirements to secure a quick cash advance.
You simply need to browse around online and find a lender that suits your needs. Since one hour payday loans are secured against your paycheck, most people have an easy time qualifying for them. Whatever your situation might be there is a lender that will work with you. Cash advance establishments are eager to help you with your financial hardships. This is how they make their money so most will bend over backwards to appease you. The online form is very simple and basic asking you for personal information such as your name and address and your banking information. Your promise to repay is made with a post dated check to the lender. For this reason there is no need for a credit check and no collateral is required.
Once you submit your application its approval takes just minutes. When your one hour payday loan is approved the lending institution electronically transfers the funds into your bank account at which time they become instantly available to you. Most times the entire procedure takes literally minutes. Upon the arrival of your payback date the lender simply withdraws the money from your account in the amount of the loan plus interest and any fees. These loans are short term, rollover time is quick and interest is high but this is the price you pay to have this type of quick cash available. But in the end, when used responsibly one hour payday loans can be a real saving grace in time of need. Obtaining them is quick, easy and safe as all transactions are completed over secure lines. One hour payday loans may not be able to solve all your financial needs but they sure can help take care of those unexpected bumps that pop up in the middle of the month.