Tag Archives: repayment

Fulfill Short Term Needs With Short Term Loans

In order to hit a right chord in any business transaction, a right move at the right point of time is very much important. In the current economic scenario, this rule also applies for the borrowings. The urgent fund requirements can anytime hit the pocket of an individual and at this point of time, one has to collect funds from his lender in any condition.

The main point of this description defines the need of loans. However, what an individual mostly forgets is the repayment tenure of their credit facilities. Once, the individual arrives in the web of debts, then only a regular job can save him from destroying his credit record. So, he is always seen in the threat of credit defaults unless and until he subscribe to a facility like 3 months payday loan.

This is a known fact that a regular and positive repayment of any loan adds more positivity in the credit score card, and a loan which is availed on the terms and conditions of early repayment is very much helpful in fulfilling the same requirement.

In the terms and conditions defined for a 3 months payday loan, the funds are transferred to a loan seeker within the time period of 24 hours and the repayment is promised from the next payday of that individual.

What matters here is the time period in which all the amount will be repaid. As per the conditions written on application form, these kind of loans are distributed for getting the payback within 3 months of disbursal. With this condition, the borrower pay off all his debts as soon as possible and gets out of the danger of credit defaults.

Further, the question here arises that how much potential a regular individual would be having to repay the loan amount within this much short term. But one has to note that these loans are distributed according to the monthly salary of that individual, for which the repayment is not a tough task in the period of 3 months.

Comparing between some major loans, the simple payday loans are no different from the 3 months payday loans. A slight difference one can spot here is that the former is not distributed according to the repayment tenure, while the same is on priority in the latter.

By looking at the conditions written for the payday loans to be repaid in the term of 3 months, we can analyse that there is no harm is getting a sufficient payday loan but if you are eying for a good credit record to be shown in the future, you can easily opt for a 3 months payday loans.

However, one can get concerned about the availability of this effective loan product. But, the truth is that this credit facility is available with many big and small lenders and are serving the masses as per their desires.

Business loans – For all business types

Every business – irrespective of its type and size – needs funds. In an age, when people have to take loans even for routine personal needs, self-financing a business is virtually unfeasible. Business loans can give a concrete shape to the dreams of an aspiring entrepreneur and a new life to an existing business. But, to get the maximum benefits, deciding the right type of business loan is very important. As per their requirement, businesspersons can choose from secured and unsecured business loans.

Secured business loans require collateral – home, property, valuable asset or even your business premises – for the loan amount. As collateral secures the lenders investment, the loan seeker can negotiate for low interest rates and suitable repayment terms and conditions. The bargaining feature of this loan type makes it suitable for large monetary requirements (£50000 to £1000000 approx). Please note that repayment slackness can lead to security seizure. Hence, loan seekers should avoid over borrowing and keep track of their repayment schedules.

Unsecured business loans on the other hand do not require collateral for the loan amount. As there is no collateral to secure the lenders investment, this loan comes with higher interest rates and virtually fixed repayment terms and conditions. In the absence of the bargaining feature, this loan type is suitable for short-term business requirements. Though absence of collateral makes it a comparatively safe option and poses no immediate risks to the borrower, non-repayment or repayment slackness can force the lender to take a legal action.

The approval time of a secured business loan is longer as compared to an unsecured business loan because the entire property evaluation process requires a lot of time. For an unsecured request, the basic approval criterion’s are past credit record, future repayment capacity, required amount and purpose. Secured loans are majorly availed for new set-ups and major expansions whereas unsecured loans for short-range or urgent business requirements. But, what if a businessperson is neither in a position to offer collateral nor in position to show a positive credit record? Nowadays, lenders have opened arms for bad credit holders too and are offering them a second chance under ‘bad credit business loans’.

Besides, the above mentioned types, there a variety of other business loans segregated on need basis like small business loans or micro business loans, commercial real estate loans, franchise start-up loan, business acquisitions loans, equipment financing loans, construction financing loans, equipment leasing loans, etc. Previously, getting a loan support especially for business purposes was not easy, as the credit market was scattered, unplanned and uncontrolled. Earlier the concern was simply approval centric. But, now it has diversified into getting the right type of business loan. So, take advantage of the growing competition by doing a proper market analysis.