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Creating Savings Every Month With Cash Back Credit Cards

Cash back credit cards are one of the ways that millions of people have begun reducing the amount that they spend each month with their credit card. By simply choosing the right card, you can save anywhere from one to twenty percent on your purchases! These guidelines will help you find a credit card that offers the rewards that are most appealing to you personally.

Earning Cash Back

Your cashback credit card should earn you money at the places that you shop most often. If you shop online frequently, then you may find that you will begin seeing huge savings almost immediately, since most credit card companies offer up to twenty percent cash back when shopping online. You can check the list of approved vendors though the credit card to find the items that you can purchase online, but make sure that you do not use the savings to overspend. Credit cards all have variable interest rates, although not all cash back credit cards require that you pay an annual fee.

The amount that you will earn in rewards will vary, depending on the credit card that you are using. It is definitely worth the time to read through the fine print to see which items will earn you money, but most credit cards to offer rewards for restaurant and gas purchases. Additionally, most credit card companies do offer at least one percent cash back on most purchases, including groceries and clothing. You will want to look for the credit card that offers the most cash back for the items that are purchased most often. You will also need to fill out an application for each of the cards that you are interested in separately.

Choosing Your Credit Card

Choosing the right card is the first step to earning cash back. In addition to offering cash back rewards, some credit card companies also offer gas credit cards that can be used specifically to earn rewards for purchases of fuel. Other credit cards work with large retail stores, such as Costco, to bring you more savings when shopping with the chain. There are tons of options to choose from, ensuring that there are cash back credit cards that will meet, and exceed, your expectations. To be sure you have the right credit card, you can look for a comparison.

There are websites that offer to compare all of the major credit cards that fit your criteria for earning cash back. You will find that it is much simpler, and more rewarding, to use a website for your research. This will allow you to see all of the major credit cards side by side to find the one that you like best. Some of the most common features that are listed include the current APR, which items earn cash back, and how much each item will earn. Some of the most common amounts are one percent for all purchased, three percent for gas purchases, and up to twenty percent for items purchased online.

Washington Mutual Credit Card Review (Page 1 of 2)

Washington Mutual is one of the largest banks of America and it offers an amazing variety of cards. The first and the foremost is the Washington Mutual Platinum Card which comes with instant approval so now you don’t have to wait for days to know the status of your application, you get to know instantly whether your application for a Washington Mutual Platinum Card is approved or not. As a measure of protection against the unauthorized services which are on a rise, the Washington Mutual Platinum Card comes with $0 fraud liability on unauthorized purchases so you don’t have to spend sleepless nights in case that happens.

Without any annual fee and discounts from popular retailers available online this card is hard to resist. The promotional balance transfer APR is as low as 0% for the first 12 billing cycles as it is the introductory period and after that the APR for purchases varies from 9.99% to 19.99%. The Washington Mutual Platinum Card also gives you a grace period of 25 days if the new balance is paid fully by the due date of the payment and the balance is calculated according to the method of the two-cycle average daily balance which includes new purchases too. With the Washington Mutual Platinum Card you are charged a minimum of $1 as a finance charge and 1% of each purchase as the transaction fee for the purchases that you make outside the U.S. and its territories. The Washington Mutual Platinum Card charges 3% for each balance transfer ranging from a minimum of $5 to a maximum of $75 and 3% of the advance i.e. a minimum of $10 is charged from you as your cash advance fee. If you are late in paying the bill, a late fee varying from $19 to $39 is charged depending on your balance and if you exceed your set credit line during any billing cycle an overlimit fee of $35 is charged from you.

The Washington Mutual Platinum Card also provides you with the unique and interactive Washington Mutual Credit online account management providing you an offer card whenever you visit the visit the site thereby increasing customer base and saving you from the trouble of searching and applying for a credit card.

Not very long ago the Washington Mutual took over the Provident Credit Card which was the erstwhile credit card giant and has grabbed up the ninth position in the credit card ranking in America since then and now it offers you three more cards to choose from one of them being the Providian Real Rewards Card. The Providian Real Rewards Card is different from others because it rewards you with points every time you use it and the rewards come in different forms thereby giving you freedom of choice. So with Providian Real Rewards Card you can use your rewards for purchasing flight tickets or as restaurant coupons.

Another card offered by the Washington Mutual is the Providian Cash Back Card which gives you cash back on any purchase you make thereby giving you ample opportunity to get your money back with each purchase made by you.