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Business Loans – 7 Reasons Not To Use A Bank (Page 1 of 2)
So you’re a small business owner and you need a business loan to further the objectives of your company. Where do you turn?
When it comes to a business loan or commercial real estate loan, there are many good reasons NOT to turn to a traditional bank. Here are some of the most important reasons. Many small business owners, will find most of these points directly applicable to them.
Of course the biggest reason most small businesses go looking for alternative sources of commercial real estate loans is because they have been declined by the banks. Small businesses are often forced to look for other sources of funding because the banks will not provide it. This is not even listed below, since there are many positive reasons to prefer non-bank funding, EVEN IF YOU CAN get an approval from a bank.
REASON 1 – The minimum loan amount available from banks is too high
In many cases banks will not offer a commercial real estate loan for less than $250,000. So if you only need $100,000 you will be pushed to borrow more than you actually need. Or if your property will not support a $250,000 loan you are out of luck with the banks.
The solution is to look for an alternative funding source that can provide a lower minimum amount. Some commercial financing services will go as low as $100,000, and will often give you better terms and much better service than the traditional banks.
REASON 2 – Many traditional banks will charge you an up-front “commitment fee” just to examine and process your application
Banks usually think they are doing you a favor by processing your application, so they will often make YOU pay for their attempts to win your business.
The solution is to find other established and credible lenders who are eager to offer you better service without charging you a fee for processing your application.
REASON 3 – Most traditional banks will severely limit the amount of cash you can get from a commercial real estate loan.
Banks usually have very narrow rules about where you can use the cash derived from a commercial real estate loan. If you need a cash injection for your business, or want to use the proceeds from a commercial mortgage as a down payment for another property, most banks will not be interested in that type of loan.
Look for a lender who does not restrict your use of the cash derived from commercial real estate loans. Some services, (see links below) can provide commercial loans that give you up to $1 million in cash to use however you want.
REASON 4 – Most traditional banks require detailed business plans before approving a commercial real estate loan.
Many small businesses have business plans, but they are usually not sufficiently detailed to satisfy the banks. As a result, applying for a commercial real estate loan from a bank can turn into a very time consuming and expensive process. Creating the type of business plan that is adequate for the banks will usually cost thousands of dollars.
Benefits of Business loans
When beginning a fresh business or company individuals may oftentimes get certain monetary help in the form of small business loans. Some present business people or owners who are interested in beginning a small business are not used with or have never heard of small business loans. Small business loans are credit contract between a borrower and a credit grantor, generally the business personal, in which the borrower contracts to settle the credited sum of cash plus charge. The amount of the credit will differ from lender to lender and also from company to company. There are some good companies that are willing to provide more cash than other.
There are so many benefits to having small business loans. The cash obtained from these credit plans is an additional source that can be utilized in any segment of the business where demanded. These credit plans are generally flexible and with the help of a monetary advisor can be arranged in such a manner that best profits the company or borrower.
Small credit loan programs can be utilized for different of things. The utilization of the amount will be decided by the business personal. Most individuals take out small business loans in order to support the beginning of a company in some manner. Others take out these credit plans when they need to do certain fixation or reconstruction work on the company. In the end, it is the borrower or owner that decides what the cash will be utilized for and essentially it can be utilized on anything that has to perform with market.
Small business loans are not out of drawbacks. The credit plan itself will have to settle back with the charge. This will be stated at the initial borrowing date. Nevertheless, if you are setting a new enterprise and the enterprise doesn´t benefit the direction you had planned you might be stuck with a loan installment every month that you can´t make. This is the danger you face. Also by taking out a business loan, in the end you will settle twice as much cash as you borrowed because of the truth that you have to settle back the charges also. This is something that you should concern before taking a business loan.